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Local Users

The default user admin with password netHero!123 is used for the initial login to the system. This user has administrative privileges to create or manage other users and to perform network management tasks. It is recommended to change the password for the admin user and to use a standard user account for access to the system. If you are unable to login with the default admin account after the first startup, please follow this guideline Invalid default username and password.

Main user management tab allows you to create a new local account with various user permissions or modify already existing users including default admin account. Only a user with User Management permission can access the User Management menu.

Adding New Local User

A new user is added to the system by filling out his/her user details. Valid email domain needs to be set (for example .com, .io, .fr etc) for a user to be successfully created

Adding local user

Following are the pre-defined user roles:

READ – a user can view the discovered data, load diagram views, but cannot launch a discovery themselves or modify or delete existing views. He is also unable to execute basic snapshot operations like loading and unloading snapshots.

DISCOVERY – a user can launch a discovery, save new view or modify existing diagram view and view stored configurations.

USER MANAGEMENT – an administrative right that specifically grants a privilege to a user to create, delete or modify other users.

SETTINGS – an administrative right that enables access to the global settings of the system.

Working With Users

Within this table, all user accounts can be modified or deleted. It also transparently shows user permissions and emails.

Local users

When an edit menu for a specific user account is opened, user permissions or a password can be updated.

Edit Local User

The password of the default admin account can also be changed here.