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Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations, which subscribe to certain events on IP Fabric platform. When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST payload to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to send notifications to messaging tools of your choice or update an external issue tracker. You're only limited by your imagination.

To setup a webhook, please navigate to Settings / Webhooks

Webhooks Settings


Whenever IPF system generates an event, we check the list of active webhooks and determine, which of them (if any) are subscribed to the event that has just occurred. Then we send the webhook payload to corresponding URLs. The receiving party should confirm the payload with HTTP Status 2xx in response and can processed the payload as needed. In case the receiving party doesn’t confirm the payload (because it is not reachable, it returns bad status code, or the delivery times out), we retry delivering the webhook payload again in 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes since the initial delivery. In case we cannot delivery the webhook in these five attempts, we give up. All delivery attempts are recorded in the webhook delivery history (in webhook edit view).

Payload Hash

Since the webhook payload might be delivered over untrusted networks, each webhook message is accompanied with SHA256 HMAC payload hash signature. You configure the HMAC secret when configuring the webhook in UI. To validate the webhook payload (i.e. to make sure the webhook payload is really sent from IPF platform and was not altered in transit), calculate the hash signature of raw webhook payload on the receiving end (with the same password), and compare it with the hash calculated by the server (sent in X-IPF-Signature HTTP header of the webhook message).

// JavaScript validation code

const hmac = createHmac('sha256', secret);
const verified = (hmac.digest('hex') === request.headers['x-ipf-signature']);
To test your webhook (even an inactive one), use the Test button in UI. Pick the webhook type and action and confirm the popup dialog. We’ll send dummy payload corresponding to the selected webhook. To be able to distinguish the testing payloads from the real ones, we add test: true property to the testing messages.

Currently, we the following webhook types are triggered by IPF platform:


The event is triggered upon network discovery and when manipulating snapshots.

  "type": "snapshot",
  "action": "discover" | "clone" | "delete" | "download" | "load" | "unload",
  "status": "started" | "completed" | "failed" | "resumed" | "resumed (stopping)" | "stopped",
  "reason"?: string,
  "requester": "cron" | "user:<id>",
  "snapshot"?: {
    "id": string,
    "name"?: string,
    "cloneId"?: string,
    "file"?: string,
  "timestamp": number,
  "test"?: boolean

In case the action has failed, the payload includes top-level reason field with string describing why the action has failed.

snapshot object is missing completely when the snapshot is not known yet, e.g. when network discovery has just started.

When clone action is completed, the snapshot object contains also cloneId field with the id of newly created (cloned) snapshot.

When download action is completed, the snapshot object includes also file field with filename of the created snapshot archive.

In case you are testing the webhook, the test field is set to true.


The event is triggered when intent verification is calculated.

  "type": "intent-verification",
  "action": "calculate",
  "status": "started" | "completed" | "failed" | "resumed" | "resumed (stopping)" | "stopped",
  "reason"?: string,
  "requester": "cron" | "user" | "snapshot:<action>",
  "reportId"?: string,
  "snapshotId"?: string,
  "timestamp": number,
  "test"?: boolean

In case the action has failed, the payload includes top-level reason field with string describing why the action has failed.

When the intent verification is related to:

  • a report, its id is available as reportId,

  • a snapshot, its id is available as snapshotId.

In case you are testing the webhook, the test field is set to true.