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Security Incident Response

Initial source of information

We can ingest information about security incident from multiple sources. Main ingestion points for customers' submitted reports are:

  • email: or
  • IP Fabric customers' support portal (Atlassian Service Desk – NSD)
  • to the office phone +420 720 022 997
  • CVE database for software vulnerabilities
  • internal monitoring (doesn’t cover the customers’ deployments)
  • debian-security mailing list
  • Other security relevant sources


We use industry standard CVSS scoring for classification of the reported / discovered vulnerabilities.

CVSS Score

Timeline and escalation path is as follows

CVSS Score Qualitative Rating SLA Rating Reaction Time Escalation
0.0 None
0.1 – 3.9 Low
4.0 – 6.9 Medium Normal Next two working days VPE, SRE
7.0 – 8.9 High High Next working day CTO, VPE, SRE
9.0 – 10.0 Critical Critical 4h during business hours CTO, VPE, SRE

You may wonder, why we don't list "Remediation time". It is hard to predict upfront time complexity of particular issue, or availability of the solution (for example, we can be blocked by upstream). Thus we provide a reaction time. Reaction time is not a simple "thank you for your report" type of answer, but rather solution proposal with time-frame and real resolution time estimation.


Every security incident has to have a tracking ticket, which has to contain:

  • CVSS score
  • CVE number / link (when applicable)
  • Affected customers (if specific)
  • It has to have security tag assigned

Also notify #security Slack channel. A dedicated channel can be created if the mitigation is going to be complex or is imposing immediate operational issue.

We select one person to coordinate internal communication and serve as an interface to the work outside of Engineering. Typical candidates: DevOps TL, Head of Development, VPE, CTO.